Funded studentship on the Ethical and Social Futures of Data-Driven Education, University of Edinburgh

funded PhD studentship on the topic of “Ethical and Social Futures of Data-Driven Education” is now open for applications (closing date 15 May 2020). The studentship is co-supervised by Dr Karen Gregory and Dr Jen Ross at the University of Edinburgh (both members of the After Surveillance network), and so the successful candidate will be working at the intersections of digital sociology and digital education, with strong links to this network.

This studentship will explore higher education as a site of data-driven innovation and ethical debate. It will be informed by three key research questions: What does the data-driven university look like? How are AI and data futures being proposed for the university, and by whom? What messages about AI, datafication, and ethics are being communicated to students, and what difference do these make to their experiences during and after university?

The successful applicant will be part of the first cohort of the Edinburgh Futures Institute’s Baillie Gifford programme in the Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence (led by Professor Shannon Vallor).

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